Meeting Schedules

Meeting notices are posted at the city municipal building, the Kingmont Post Office, and on Facebook.

Work Sessions and Regular Council meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month. Both are open to the public.

Pleasant Valley City Council meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm for the regular Council meeting. Full Council Work Sessions will be immediately prior to each regular meeting, starting at 6:30 pm. Additional Work Sessions will be called on an “as needed” basis, and will be the second Tuesday of each month, starting at 6:00 pm. Watch for agendas to be posted.

Planning Commission meets Quarterly: January, April, July, October on the first Tuesday at 6:30 pm. The Commission will also meet when necessary in between these quarterly meetings.

Board of Zoning Appeals meets on an as needed basis.


All meetings are held at the city municipal building; 2340 Kingmont Road and open to the public.